So all of my travels to Oman went very well, and I managed to overcome the jet lag pretty well. I met up with everyone going to Oman as well and waited a few hours at the D.C. airport before boarding a British Airlines airplane. The trip went very smooth, in fact is was probably the best flight I have ever been on. The meals they served were extremely fancy and top quality and they even had free entertainment systems in each seat (which allowed me to watch the Hobbit and Life of Pi). After about eight hours of flying over the Atlantic, we finally arrived in Heathrow and spent quite a bit of time going through bag checks and security before getting to our terminal. Our plane to Muscat did not have an air bridge, but required us to take a bus over to the plane waiting on the other side of the airport runways. This plane was a bit less quality than that of the last one, but it still was amazing to fly on. Our plane made a short stop in Abu Dhabi, which was very fun and exciting to fly over and see. We arrived in Abu Dhabi at around 7:30 local time and took back to the air for a quick 45 minute flight to Muscat. All and all, British Airways was a treat to fly on and the journey went very smooth and was relaxing.
Today I didn't even have to step into the airport to see a new world. After checking out of my hotel room, I waited for the complimentary shuttle to the airport alongside an elder couple. When the shuttle arrived, they asked us which airlines we needed to be dropped off at. I told the driver "British Airways" and the couple responded with "I take it you're going to Britain?" I told him no, that I was only stopping over in Heathrow for my final destination in Muscat. What started as a question about destinations turned into a car long discussion about travelling, Oman, Morocco (their destination), and my story of how I got here. It was a fantastic conversation and learned new perspectives from seasoned travelers. They even have been to Tanzania and have told me how proud the people are and how wonderful the country is. I honestly cannot wait until I step on the plane to fly to Muscat today, which will be around 7pm Eastern Time 
Hello! I wanted to update during my times at the airport but did not have wifi or internet connection. I got to XNA today around 10:55, well before my 1:02 PM departure with enough time to get food. The plane ride was very small but short (only about 50 people on the plane). Flying into Chicago was amazing. I could see the massive skyline even from so far out. And the airport?!?! It was like a supermall! The only main issue was despite my three hour layover, they changed my gate at the last few minutes to one well across the entire airport leaving me only 20 minutes to sprint across the terminals. Also, the flight from Chicago to Dulles was probably the best and smoothest plane ride I've ever been on. Right now, I'm relaxing in my hotel room a few miles from the airport and ready to jump back onto the plane for Heathrow then to Muscat...well...I could use a bit more rest though.



    Blogs regarding travel from plane trips to and from Oman as well as cross country traveling.


    May 2013

